PR Policy

This policy is valid from March 22, 2011. Subject to change.

My name is Mia Cupcake and I like to blog. And tweet. And Facebook. A LOT. All of the opinions here on Bruises on the Frosting are mine….unless it’s from a guest blogger and then I’ll make that pretty clear. (Although the lack of babbling may clue you in as well.) For any questions, requests or concerns, please email

When I’m not chasing my kids around or taking care of my fiancé or cleaning up after all of them, I would be happy to help you spread the word about the products/services/glitter that is applicable to me and my family. Bruises in the Frosting is a PR OK blog….and we all know how much marketers LOOOOVE “mommy bloggers”.

Just a heads up: I’m not your average mommy blogger.

I am a 32 year old tattooed & pierced mom, fiancée, chef, music lover, massage therapist, nerd, roller derby official, aspiring doula, Martha Stewart fan, badass, cancer survivor, budding fitness geek who loves pretty much anything shiny or glittery. I currently live in Bellingham, WA (the upper left corner of the lower 48) with my fiancé and our two kiddos….”Chuck” (girl, born Oct 2009) and “Short Stack” (boy, born Dec 1999).  I love to play with my kids, cook, read, work out, watch movies with my family, spend time with my friends, roller skate, and occasionally take a bubble bath.

My fiancé is a classically-trained French chef, so he loves cooking gadgets, food and really anything to do with the kitchen. He’s also a gamer, and runs his own Call of Duty website. He keeps telling me we could really use a vacation…

The kids love pretty much everything. Short Stack is approaching the teenage years, so he’s becoming more interested in his hair and what he looks like, as well as his science books and encyclopedias. (no, I’m not kidding.) He’s a sponge for learning, so anything  new is pretty awesome for him.

Chuck’s a little easier; everything goes in her mouth right now. I’ve never met a baby who likes sushi until she came along. She loves dolls and musical instruments and books. (mostly colouring in the books, but occasionally she’ll sit still so I can read her one.) Like her momma, she likes glitter and sparkles too. 😀

Anything that you think would benefit our family (within reason) we’re willing to try out. To read my disclosure policy, see here.

What I don’t do (mostly because I can’t figure out how to do them correctly):

  • Cash advertising
  • Pay-per-click
  • Paid topic insertions
  • False reviews (won’t lie, no matter how much you pay me.)

What I do:

  • Talk a lot.
  • Product reviews
  • Giveaways
  • Sponsorships for conferences, etc.

How it works on Bruises in the Frosting:

Yes, I do product reviews. In order to do so, I require you to send me a product. (Please note, this item will not be returned.) I do not charge a fee for reviews. If it is something that comes in different sizes, I do require a FULL SIZE product. I cannot, in good faith, give my honest opinion on something based on a dab of it. It isn’t fair to me, to your reputation or to my readers (as your potential customers).

Yes, I will do giveaways if requested. This will require a product SEPARATE from the one you sent me. I also do not charge a fee for giveaways. The giveaway item will be kept by you and shipped from you directly to our winners. The giveaway item can be the same as the reviewed product, a different product in your line, or a gift certificate at your discretion. This is to be agreed upon PRIOR to start of giveaway. All terms of giveaway will be mutually agreed upon prior to start of giveaway.

Links to your website will be included in any review or giveaway, and I can link keywords at your request. Once the review is posted, I will email you the link. If you have a specific date you would like the review to be posted, I can accommodate you, within reason (i.e., if it fits into my schedule) – please specify the date in your request!

I reserve the right to refuse ANY product or offer.

Put your $0.02 here....make it good :)

All images, ideas and text here is property of Mia Cupcake/Bruises in the Frosting, unless otherwise noted. Please do not copy without express permission from blog author.